How to Heal from Trauma? Practical Tips & Suggestions!

How to Heal from Trauma; Practical Tips & Suggestions

Trauma is the outcome of a terrible occurrence. It happens when you are emotionally or mentally affected by anything that happened, and it can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder, also known as PTSD. Traumatic experiences include the death of a loved one, abuse, a plane or automobile accident, an extraordinarily tough relationship or breakup, and … Read more

How does our Sleep directly affects your Mental Health

How does our Sleep directly affects your Mental Health

Knowingly or unknowingly we spend roughly one-third of our lives sleeping. We cannot perform our daily tasks efficiently without sleep, which is an involuntary but necessary process. It is necessary for preserving both physical and emotional well-being and is just as fundamental to our bodies as breathing, eating, and drinking. Not only does sleeping assist … Read more