Acidity: Synonyms, Causes, Medications & More

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One of the most prevalent conditions that practically everyone encounters at some point in their lives is acidity. To put it simply, it is a disorder that makes the stomach produce too much acid. In addition to stomach discomfort, this can result in other symptoms like indigestion, difficulty in swallowing, and sour taste in the mouth. Acidity can be caused by a variety of factors, including the use of specific drugs, bad dietary habits and extreme stress. Additionally, Lifestyle choices like smoking and eating food high in fat, oil, and spices can increase your risk of developing acidity. If you occasionally feel acidic, it might not be a sign of a medical problem. And the other hand their maybe an underline condition linked to your frequent episodes of acidity if the symptoms appear at least twice a week. In this situations, it is amended that you speak with your doctor.

Simple life style adjustments and natural that a peace like fennel seeds meant to see and old milk then help combat acidity. Over the counter drugs that lower or neutralize the acid are generally quite beneficial

Reasons for acidity

Gastric acid which aids in food digestion are produced in the stomach. But vocationally for a variety of reasons the stomach produces too much acids which results in acidity. Acid reflux is also caused by factor that impact the esophageal sphincter’s (LES) ability to operate. The following are a few typical reasons for acidity:

Dietary and food variables

  • Consuming food that has too much paprika, vinegar, pepper, and chillies.
  • Oily and deep fried foods
  • Excessive use of tea coffee and chocolate that contains caffeine
  • Exercise consumption of table salt
  • Low fibre diet
  • Over indulging or eating sporadically.
  • Bad habit suggest lying down just after eating
  • Eating right before intense physical activity.

Aspects of lifestyle

  • Regular smoking
  • Over consumption of soda alcohol or carbonated beverages.
  • Not getting enough sleep
  • Absence of exercise

Conditions and drugs

  • Anxiety, despair, or excessive stress
  • Gastro esophageal reflex disease, stomach cancer and peptic ulcers are example of stomach disorders.
  • Drugs such as antidepressants antibiotics painkillers and chemotherapy.

The symptoms of acidity


The salient indications of acidity are as follows:

  • Feeling uncomfortable
  • Heartburn
  • Intestinal indigestion
  • Constipation
  • Anxiety
  • Reciting
  • Inflammation
  • Ulcers in the stomach
  • Vomiting excessively
  • Sour taste in the mouth
  • Having trouble swallowing
  • Burning feeling in the throat and stomach
    severe abdominal or chest pain

These are the typical science of acidity and they can also change depending on a person’s diet. Bicycle particular medications to less on the stomach over production of acid this disease can be readily remedied. A balanced diet that includes meals high in protein and steers clear of carbonated drink as well as some spicy and fatty food, are additionally natural remedies and preventive measures.

Options for medication

Acidity and its symptoms can be treated with a variety of medications

  • Antacids: they provide immediate yet gentle relief by neutralizing stomach acid. Diarrhoea and renal issues are among the adverse effects of excessive antacid use.
  • H2 receptor blockers: the decrease the creation of acid but they don’t act as fast as antacids. However they offer longer lasting comfort. For up to 12 hours this medications may lesson these stomach production of acid.
  • PPI. Theseare proton pump inhibitors, are well known for that ability to reduce stomach acid and promote oesophageal healing.

Prevention is better than cure

The following techniques can be used to avoid acid refluxes:

  • Avoid eating spicy foods
  • Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables
  • Consume frequent, little meals.
  • Eat your final meal a few hour before going to bed
  • Steer clear all pharmaceuticals like steroids and non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs.
  • Reduce tension
  • Avoid drinking carbonated drinks
    Since exercise might induced stomach acid to travel up to oesophagus, it should be avoided right after eating.
  • Because they can cause acid reflux, foods including mint, garlic, onion, tomatoes, coffee and tea should be avoided as much as possible.

Risk Elements for Acidity

An elevated risk of the common disease is associated with the following conditions:

Health issues like coeliac disease, diabetes asthma and connective tissue disease like scleroderma

Hernia in the hiatal region
Delayed emptying of the stomach
Being overweight or obese


Women approaching menopause
Women Facing hormone replacement

To Visit a Specialist

With the help of over the counter drugs and life cell modifications, acidity symptoms are frequently easily managed. However you should visit a doctor if you have a heartburn significant chest pain that feels unusual or worse than normal.

The following experts can assist in controlling acidity:

General Practitioner


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