How to Manage Migraine with Lifestyle Changes?

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Headache is very common for everyone. isn’t it? Every single person on the earth gets occasional headaches, but you would be very lucky if you don’t have Migraine. Migraine attacks are the worst. But since you are here, it looks like you are a victim of this painful chronic disease. You are not the only one suffering, report says almost 1.1 billion people on the earth suffer from this Chronic illness. Additionally, Migraine is the 2nd most common cause of disability worldwide. That doesn’t sound pleasing right?

Recent studies and research have shown that even if Migraine cannot be removed overnight, some lifestyle changes and migraine-relieving foods can have a positive impact that can give you some relief from frequent triggering headaches. Keep on reading for some easy and practical methods to cope with this painful headache.

What is Migraine?

Migraine is a Chronic illness in which a person experiences a strong headache that radiates to one side of the brain and generates fluctuating, hammering pain. A migraine attack typically lasts from 4 hours to several days. This chronic illness gets more triggered during physical exercises, Bright lights, loud sounds, or powerful smells. This headache is difficult to cope up with. It has the potential to make disruptions in your daily routine and make your living complete hell. With this, your social and personal life commitments get more difficult to fulfill. There are some lifestyle changes you can try besides your doctor’s prescribed medicines.

Migraine Attack

Foods and Drinks to Ease Migraines

Certain foods and beverages may help avoid migraine attacks. The high content of some minerals, vitamins, and fatty acids in regular meals can help to get relief from Chronic headaches.

  • Magnesium-high food: Magnesium is known for reliving Migraines. Avocado, Tuna, and dark leafy green vegetables are some foods high in magnesium.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: It is beneficial for painful Headaches. Foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids are Lentils, nuts, seeds, fortified yogurt, etc.
  • Keto: A ketogenic diet may not work for everyone but research says it can lessen migraine attacks compared to regular diets. This involves eating foods that are high in fat and low in carbs such as eggs and nonstarchy vegetables. But be careful while choosing a keto diet, as some keto diet options may trigger headaches. In this case, see a doctor or an expert.
  • Drink more water: Since dehydration can trigger more headaches, it’s better to drink plenty of water and avoid triggering your head. Have some tea, if you want something apart from water.

Changing diet patterns like avoiding sugar and experimenting with a low glycemic diet is very helpful for headache sufferers. Try a low in tyramine diet. While it can be challenging to completely eliminate processed foods, it is generally advised to keep a check on how much bad food we are consuming as compared to healthy food. Try staying away from artificial flavorings, sweeteners, and preservatives for the majority of your diet.

Get Proper Sleep: Very Essential

A lot of Migraine sufferers find it difficult to get proper sleep. It is actually a vicious cycle: Discomfort and pain interfere with sleep. You tend to get more frequent beaches if you do not sleep well. Due to this cycle, sleeping is very crucial if you want to cure this chronic disease. A regular sleep schedule is very helpful in the management of painful headaches. It’s advisable to have a regular and fixed bedtime every night.

Screen time can stimulate our brain activity causing more and more headaches, so TVs, mobile phones, laptops, and other screens should be out of the bedrooms. Try to avoid phones at least 2 hours prior to bedtime. It will help you to have a calm and peaceful bedtime ritual. Try a cold, dark environment that will also help you fall asleep faster.


Prioritize Your Mental Health

We all have frequent ups and downs in our lives. Today stress management is very crucial and we fail there miserably. Stress can have a bad impact on migraine attacks. Since reading the news or watching TV can be stressful, these can be easily cut off to spend more time on self-care. Seek out for stress-relieving activities of your convenience. Try and avoid things that impact your mental health badly.

Control your Environment to Control your Migraine

Now that you are aware that bright lights, loud noises, and strong smells can trigger headaches, avoid these. Wear sunglasses, use earplugs, and don’t use perfumes. Limit your screen time and take regular breaks to reduce eye strain. You can use cold eye packs too.

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